Saturday, October 30, 2010

Petrone's Performance (academically)

I believe in the power that if one writes down their goals, and views them each day, that they are to be achieved. Coming into college as the youngest in my family, I knew I had big shoes to fill. My brother graduated from SUNY Oneonta with honors, and got to speak on behalf of his graduating class, because of his achievements. My sister just recently graduated from Southern Connecticut and the highly competitive Nursing program here. Both my siblings knew what exactly they wanted for themselves, and accomplished the goals they set. I want to do the same, so in the beginning of the semester, right on my desk where I get ready every morning, I wrote on my white board that I wanted to maintain a G.P.A. of a 3.5 or better. Most every college kid is weary of the work load they'd be receiving, and is apprehensive about keeping up with it. I was/am one of those college kids, so I know that I not only want, but need to work my hardest. Midterms were this week, and I felt as if I studied my life away. But it paid off! I did well on all my midterms, and finally got to see how I'm currently doing. I am beyond happy to say my lowest grade is a B+, and that all the rest of my grades are A's. I feel that because I'm motivated to be successful in college, that I am achieving my own personal goals. However, I also feel that because I wrote down one of my main goals for college, that I am finding success. For the remainder of the semester, and college for this matter, I want to keep on maintaining a G.P.A. of a 3.5+, and keep up on my work load. I feel proud of myself, and highly recommend that everyone should write down their goals, because I believe that by doing so, you, too, will achieve whatever it is that you want!

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