Saturday, October 16, 2010

Petrone says"hmm?"

   What to write, what to write? This weeks blog entries are free choice. I love free choice...except when I find myself not knowing what to write about. All week I have been pondering about what the subject of my blog should be. I've gotten a few sparks of inspiration here and there, but nothing I've felt worth writing about, because I've either A) written about it previously, or  B) wouldn't know how to elaborate on the subject fully. I've Googled searched subjects, and have come up empty handed. I've looked to Facebook for inspiration, but find that I am more so distracted than inspired. Usually music is my fallback subject to write about, but I think that if I keep writing about it, that everything will seem redundant. So here I am, at work, still  uninspired. Still at a lost of what to write about. Still utterly confused. Again, I really do enjoy free choice, but I feel that writer's block is having the best of me. I sit here and wonder if anyone else is having the same trouble that I am having, and what outlets of ideas they have turned to. Maybe eating will help get the juices a-flowin', but I highly doubt that, due to the fact that I'm Italian, and every Italian eats every hour  on the hour. What to write, what to write? If anyone has any ideas for me, please feel free to help. It’s greatly appreciated. And, if the idea is especially good, I’ll be sure to reward you in treats.

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