Sunday, November 7, 2010

Petrone Gets Her Fitness On, And Says "Goodbye Stress"

"Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save." - Will Rogers, Autobiography, 1949
Got stress? Workout. It's that simple. Every time I'm feeling remotely stressed, I head straight for the gym. Something about working out just eases everything for me, and clears my mind. However much stress I'm usually experiencing factors into how long I workout, too. It helps keep your body healthy, while keeping your mind and spirit healthy as well. College is a time for stress, to say the least. So, head yourself on over to the gym. Go run, go and pump some iron, do whatever suits you, and I promise you that you'll feel much better when you're done. Maybe you'll feel a little sore, but that most the time means that you got a good workout in, so don't fret! Stress is extremely unhealthy for you, and one shouldn't endure it to levels where they are getting sick physically, and emotionally. Working out, I find not only relieves my stress, but also brings me back to down, and clams me. I find peace within myself. I also find that whatever I was once stressed about, seems to be insignificant. And, If I am stressed about a certain assignment, I find that after I'm done with my workout, my stress level goes down, and allows me to do whatever assigned better, and more sufficient. Workout, and say "Goodbye, stress!" Your mind, and body will thank you. Never "stress" the small stuff, Hakuna Matata!

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