Sunday, November 14, 2010

Follow the Petrone

Two summers ago, I got accepted into a leadership program in New York City for theater arts. I got to spend almost a month in the city with people from all over the United States. It had turned out that most the people I got to meet at the leadership conference we're all not only out of state, but had never been to the city. If you've never been to the city, then you're in for the hustle & bustle, the crowded & loud, and the never seeming to stop for second scene. Being from originally Long Island and now Poughkeepsie, I've always had the connivence of traveling into the city whenever I wanted, so I was use to the New York City scene and chaos, however the girls who were in my group we're not use to it in the slightest. I got to demonstrate my leadership abilities with them while we traveled throughout the city; crossing the streets, haggling with street vendors, and where to eat and not eat. Any true New Yorker knows that you need to walk those streets not only with assertion, but with confidence. The girls that I was with were surprised how I well I took on the city, and affectionately named me Momma Bear. I always made sure that we we're never separated, and that we we're always safe. I've always been one to step up to the plate when needed, and have always been one to take care of others. Most people refer to me as Mom, because I'm always making sure everyone is pleased, happy, and of course above all safe. Towards the end of the leadership conference the girls that I had been with were very appreciative and thankful. I know I always want to be the person who is making sure all is well and everyone is well. I don't mind it at all, and I know that one day when I'm old I'll have someone taking care of me.

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