Saturday, December 4, 2010

2 Petrone Posts in 1

"Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them."

     As my first semester of college wraps up, I am extremely proud of myself. I can't help but feel like I worked to my full potential. My goal was to maintain a 3.5 or better, and I have. I have all A's in my classes, and one B. And, that's with counting in that I took a full schedule with the maximum amount of credits allowed. I wanted to not only make myself proud, but as well as my family, and I believe I have. I've been able to achieve what I set out to achieve for myself back from day 1. I feel as if I haven't let myself down at all. I've made friends with a variety of different people, and have truly put myself out there. I've learned much about time management, and know that I have used my time sufficiently and successfully. The only weakness I think I've faced was not sticking up for myself in particular situations. However, with each experience that I have encounter this semester, I've learned and have grown from. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. College is a growing experience, and I believe I've grown a great amount. My family has even told me that they see a huge difference in who I am. They say though I'm still the same person, something's different about me; a positive difference. I think they are just seeing a new more mature   me. I could not be more proud of myself. I'm so happy that I am doing so well in all my classes, and I've proven to myself that though I've taken on a full, heavy load, that I am able to endure and come out prevailing, and accomplishing all that it is I want. I can only hope, and believe in myself, that my next semester, and years to come in college will be just as successful and great as my first one has been.

Next semester: personally, socially, and academically. For next semester, I want academically achieve what I have much like this semester. I still want to maintain a GPA of 3.5 of better (this could also be related personally, too, as one of my goals.) I want to also academically be able to make myself and family proud of my grades. I personally want to maintain the happiness I so do have right now. I have never been more happy in my life. Every person in my life that I hold close to me have been so wonderful and supportive this semester, and I would like to have that same factor for next semester, and semesters to come. I also personally want to make sure I do not gain freshmen 15. Silly, I know, but I am so terrified of gaining the dreaded 15. I've actually lost weight as I've been here. I'm at my thinnest! My family jokes with me and says I'm the only in the family that went away to college, and came back thinner. I responded with a "try eating at Conn Hall." Enough said! Socially for next semester, I want to meet more people. I know that people come in and out of our lives for a reason, and I know there are still many, many more people I am to meet my freshmen year. I socially want to be involved in some sort of music ensemble. Even though I have to for my major, I want to regardless. I miss being able to sing in a choir, and would love to be able to join in on one of the university choirs. I miss performing, too. So I would love to be able to be in an ensemble again. I know that will be another thing to add to my already full schedule, and work load, but I know I'll be able to do it, much because I know how to manage my time. I believe I can personally, socially, and academically achieve all I want for next semester if I keep managing my time successfully as I am now. I can't believe I am finishing my first semester already! Time has flown by!

1 comment:

  1. OMG!! im terrified of the freshman 15 too!! us girls gotta maintain our good looking image!
