Saturday, December 4, 2010

Lurning Groops

         For my inq, I was placed into learning groups, along with the rest of my class. I like everyone in my class, so I really didn't mind being assigned into groups with selected few. The first group I was put in I had really enjoyed, except for one huge detail; they were all commuter students. Because of this, it was very hard to meet up with each other. Also, our schedules differed greatly from one another, too. I eventually got to work with another group who all lived on campus, and actually lived in my dorm! Working them was great. Anytime one of us needed help with something, we all just had to take a quick down the hall or staircase. It was extremely convenient to be able to go to your group and ask their opinions or help with something. When I did my midterm project, I got show my learning group first and get their feedback first. This allowed for me to be able to get their view on my work and enabled me to see if I needed to edit anything. Sometimes having another set of eyes look at your own work allows for one to discover new things about their piece. Maybe a grammatical error, or a new insight. I had this happen with a post I wrote about love for my boyfriend. Unknowingly I wrote a lot of it from a musician's perspective. I didn't mean to, but being a musician, it came like second nature unbeknownst to me. I'll miss having that luxury of having a learning group to view my work first, but because we all lived in the same hall, maybe I'll be able to still go to them to get their feedback first, and get a fresh set of eyes.

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