Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Problems of Petrone

   I am firm believer in everything happens for a reason, much like how the challenges that I will potentially face in college will happen so that I can learn & grow from them. So far, the confrontations I have been faced with within the first two weeks have been obstacles of rooming & boarding, rather than academic. I'm currently dealing with a situation where the food and drinks I have bought and provided for myself, have been  "mysteriously" vanishing. Throughout these past few days of this Southern heat, I've gone to grab a water I've stored conveniently in the fridge to cool, and have come to find my water gone, and not where I had previously placed it. Along with my waters moving, my fan at the top of my bunk bed has been shifted to the opposite side of the room to the floor. Bare in mind that I was the only one to bring a fan, which is small and made for one. Personal Size. I've also come upon my newly bought, and not cheap in the slightest, MacBook, to be used more frequently by others than  by my own self. I do not take this matter lightly. So, I've learned to put my name on my water bottles. I've learn to bring another fan (again, personal sized) and put that one at the top my bed, that way no one other than myself has to go onto my bed to get it. I've also come to learn how to put a lock on my computer so that no one can access it for their own personal using. Like I stated previously, I do not take this matter lightly, thus its importance. I need water stay hydrated in this scorching heat, which is important to my health. I need my fan, because I already have heat rash, and do not in turn want it to develop further  (also important to my health.) And, I do not want to be hauling out more cash to my already expensive computer to fix problems I did not have any part of causing. Plus, I need my computer for my classes, which is extremely important to me academically.

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