Saturday, November 13, 2010

Petrone & Her Piano

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." -Victor Hugo

Touch your fingertips to each key, hear the sound resonate, and sing...Sing always. Only with a piano can you have this experience. This is where I study. I take six classes here at Southern, half of which are all music classes. So when it comes time for me to study for quizzes, tests, or finals, I find myself with Baldwin. It's here where I study for my music, where my music and I become one, and all my worries and troubles are played away. Studying is looked upon as such a mundane boring task, but for me, with my piano, it's different. In Earl Hall, you can find soundproof practice rooms, you can find art of all types, and you can find me with my piano, playing, practicing, singing my life away. Doesn't seem like studying at all, but it is in fact what I am doing. My classes require me to be here, and I don't mind it in the slightest. How could one mind sitting at one of the world's most classic beautiful instruments? I admit, I can't play it well, but what I can't play, I make up for with song. I feel somewhat lucky that I get the privilege to study how I do, and go about studying with a piano. The best part this is that there are pianos secretly dispersed throughout campus. You just need to follow the piano's melody...

 This is where I study.

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